VOLUME 2. NUMBER 4. Agost-October 1997


  • Angular cheilitis in HIV-infected patients from Spain: a common Candida-associated oral lesion.
    Aguirre JM, Ribacoba L, Echebarría MA, San-Millán R, Martínez-Conde R, Quindós G.
    Medicina Oral 1997; 2: 201-8.

  • Hepatitis C virus. Implications in Odontology.
    Diz P, Lodi G, Vázquez E, Porter S.
    Medicina Oral 1997; 2: 209-18.
  • Odontogenic maxillary cyst. Clinicopathologic, diagnostic and therapeutic considerations.
    García Pola MJ, González M, López JS.
    Medicina Oral 1997; 2: 219-41.

  • Giant aneurysmal bone cyst of the mandible.
    Bonet J, Peñarrocha M, Mínguez JM, Vera F.
    Medicina Oral 1997; 2: 242-7.
  • Granular cell tumor. Report of a case of rare location.
    Milián MA, Bagán JV, Cardona F, Lloria E, Martorell M.
    Medicina Oral 1997; 2: 248-3.

  • © 1996-97 Medicina Oral

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